Greetings! Congratulations on your purchase of Ruff Greens! You may not realize it now, but you may have just added years to your pet’s life and given them the greatest gift any owner can give a pet, Good Health.
OK… Your Jumpstart Trail Bag of Ruff Greens should last your dog 10 to 15 days or longer, depending on how much you feed your dog daily. The purpose of this bag is NOT so you can see Great Results. Those take time. The purpose of this bag is this:
Truthfully, every dog is different and has different issues, so what you will see over the first 90 days will be very different from what someone else might experience. However, here are a few of the things we hear from dog owners most often.
These are things you MIGHT see in the 1st two or three weeks, but if you don’t, it doesn’t mean “It’s Not Working”. The longer you leave your pup on this product, the better their health should get and the less symptoms you’ll see.
Read the ingredients… there are TONS of great things in this product and giving them to your dog on a consistent basis will no doubt help with their long term health.
Some dogs are in pretty good health already and adding Ruff Greens to their diet will just insure that they STAY healthy. Just keep feeding it to them for at least 90 days, we are confident that you will see a Happy n’ Healthy Pup!
How do I give it to my dog and what if Fido won’t eat it?
We have found that dogs in a lot of ways are just like little kids, some will eat anything, while others won’t go near a ‘Fruit or Veggie’. Not to worry, we have dealt with all kinds of dogs and we can help you no matter what kind of ‘eater’ you have.
If you have more than one dog and need more than one bag per month, call us at 833-Ruff-Dog (833-783-3364) and ask about our “The Pack” Bucket for those with multiple dogs and Breeders.
If you see any digestive distress it means you may have tried to introduce it to fast into their system.
NO PROBLEM. Here’s what you do: discontinue Ruff Greens completely for 1 full day and then re-introduce by reducing the next dose by 50% from the previous dosage and the GRADUALLY re-introduce it to their system. This is not uncommon, so don’t be too hard on yourself. ‘Slow and Steady’ wins the race.
Remember, you can cancel or change your subscription anytime, no questions asked… so if you have any questions in this area…. Just call us or go to and click on the CHAT button and one of our helpful Service Agents will take good care of you.
Lastly, for problems, questions or concerns please call us Toll Free at 833-Ruff-Dog (833-783-3364) or consult your veterinarian.
Written By
Dr. Black is former Army Ranger, a Helicopter Pilot, Stage 4 Cancer Survivor and a Naturopathic Doctor living in Dallas, Tx. For decades, Dr. Black has shown thousands of people how to get healthy using Natural protocols. When those same people asked him to create something to get their pets healthy, he rose to the challenge and created the Ruff Greens Family of Products.
If your pet has a medical condition, consult your Veterinarian before use. Use only as directed. Dr. Dennis Black is a Naturopathic Doctor and not licensed to practice human or veterinary medicine in any state. *Is a 28 Day Supply for a dog up to 40 pounds. Above or below these weights, you may have to modify the amount you feed your dog.