Ruff Greens Risk Free Trial
It's actually a no commitment Free Trial other than
to cover the shipping & handling!
1Choose your dog size
Regular Size
Dogs that are under 40lbs and all puppies. Example breeds Pomeranian, Pug, Chihuahua, Dachsund
Large Size
Dogs that are 40lbs and over. Example breeds Labrador, Shepherds, Bulldogs, Hounds, Retreivers
We suggest a regular size for dogs under 40lbs. For dogs over 40lbs
and multi-dog homes we suggest a large size.
2Choose your monthly free gift
Always free and yours to keep. A $9.95 value each month.
Ruff Chews
Produced using a proprietary process that makes them easily digestible.
Ruff Nibbles
Enhanced with the added benefits of Ruff Greens Nutritional Supplement, a natural blend of vitamins and minerals.
Ruff Tidbits
Supports overall health with natural fiber, iron, vitamin D and calcium.
No Thank You
Your free gift will ship with each full size order. We reserve the right to change your free gift at any time due to inventory.
3Review your trial
Jumpstart Trial
Jumpstart Trial Bag shipped to you in the next 24-48 hours.
Receive your Free gift each month with your full size orders.
Free Membership in our Loyalty Club and a $20.00 savings each month
Subscribe & Save
If you choose to continue your "Subscribe & Save" program, 14 days from receiving your trial we'll ship your full size order of Ruff Greens for $59.95, plus shipping & handling.
Your selected plan will be billed and shipped every 4 weeks.
You may cancel anytime, No Questions Asked!